Cirugia Del Tunel Carpiano en Mexico

1 clínicas ofreciendo tratamiento Cirugia del túnel carpiano en México
Oscar Mendoza Helguera MD Verificado

Oscar Mendoza, clínica ortopédica es una de las clínicas mas estables de tratamiento de fisioterapia en Guadalajara. Ofrecen un alto nivel de atención médica y tecnología avanzada que le ha dado renombre en México y Norte américa.

I did a lot of research before coming to Mexico for such a major surgery. When I found Dr. Mendoza and read about his experience around the world with minimally invasive hip replacement, I felt fairly sure he was the surgeon I wanted for my procedure. I then made contact with his assistant, and from that point forward, I knew I had made the right decision. She and Dr. Mendoza are warm and friendly, as well as professional and quick to respond. After viewing my x-rays, Dr. Mendoza told me things about my hip, and why I had developed my problem, things my American doctors had never bothered to explain. My American doctors always treated me as if they didn't want to be bothered and were trying to get rid of me as soon as possible. My first visit with Dr. Mendoza lasted 45 minutes, and he treated me as if he had all day to spend, answering any questions I had. My hospital room was a beautiful suite, where my husband had a nice leather couch to sleep on. The nursing staff was very knowledgeable and prompt to respond if I needed anything. After leaving the hospital, I had a lot of pain on my first night, and Dr. Mendoza called my husband and prescribed a heavier medication. It says on his letterhead in Spanish "house calls"! I can't say enough good about my experience with Dr. Oscar Mendoza and his staff. Thank you, Dr. Mendoza!
September 2017
We were recommended to Dr. Mendoza by Dr. Torres in Mazatlan as a highly skilled and meticulous surgeon. I had waited in pain for close to 3years in Canada for treatment ; The surgery was completed 2 days after arriving in Guadalajara. The surgery was perfect and there were no significant pain levels. The follow up after surgery items ei. walker, ambulance trip back to our hotel, and daily visit by the physiotherapist were all organized by Dr. Mendoza's professional staff. This is medical care at its best and incredible value for the price. I see a golf course in my future.
December 2015
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¿Qué es la cirugía del túnel carpiano?

La cirugía del túnel carpiano es un procedimiento para la apertura de la muñeca y aliviar el nervio de la presión para aliviar el dolor, debilidad, y la perturbación causada por el sentido de síndrome del túnel carpiano.

La muñeca contiene una funda de tejido conectivo que rodea y protege a los tendones y nervios, incluyendo el nervio mediano que corre por la longitud del brazo y el antebrazo. El espacio entre esta cubierta y los huesos es el del túnel carpiano.

Cuando el nervio mediano sufre una presión excesiva, por ejemplo, a causa de la retención de líquidos o hinchazón de un tendón inflamado, da lugar a una dolorosa condición conocida como síndrome del túnel carpiano. Los pacientes con síndrome del túnel carpiano a menudo se quejan de dolores, como de "alfileres y agujas", quemazón o adormecimiento.

Un buen candidato para la cirugía del túnel carpiano.

Dependiendo de la severidad y la duración de los síntomas, un buen candidato para la cirugía del túnel carpiano es uno que ha tenido síntomas durante 10 meses o más. Estos síntomas incluyen, dolor, entumecimiento y hormigueo.

Procedimiento de la cirugía del túnel carpiano.

La cirugía correctiva puede ser realizada por un cirujano o neurocirujano de la mano, por lo general después de un tratamiento de medicamentos anti-inflamatorios han fallado. La cirugía del túnel carpiano puede ser a mano abierta o endoscópica, y consiste en aliviar la presión sobre el nervio mediano al cortar el ligamento carpiano. Se realiza habitualmente con anestesia local.