Implantes De Pantorrillas

3 clínicas ofreciendo tratamiento Implantes de Pantorrillas en 6 paises
My Medical Vacations Cirugía Plástica Verificado

Mis Vacaciones Médicas cirugía plástica es un proveedor líder de cirugía plástica en México, q tiene... e como objetivo ofrecer los más altos estándares de tratamientos estéticos y de servicios de turismo médico enNorte América  

It was an absolutely amazing experience from beginning to end. I’m extremely pleasedwith the results... s.  
February 2020
I’m writing to share my experience with My Medical Vacations in Cancun Mexico. From the time I arri... ived with my husband, Katie Ana and Betty took excellent care of us. We were picked up from the airport taken to all of my medical appointments. I had some concerns about surgery and Betty spoke with me in detail and addressed all my concerns and fears. I felt conformable – safe in their care and in Cancun. I had Blepharoplasty with Dr. Torres and Rhinoplasty with Dr. Montalvo, both surgeons were excellent and truly skilled at their craft. I had daily post-surgical visit from Ana our sweet nurse, who came to our hotel to make sure I was healing properly. My overall experience was wonderful and I absolutely love my results. I´m planning on coming back in the future. I highly recommend My Medical Vacations to anyone considering cosmetic surgery in Cancun. You´ll be in excellent hands. Than you all for your care and support. All the best, Karma Shanti Virginia-US  
July 2018
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IMPILO PLASTIC SURGERY AND MEDICAL SPA apunta a la provisión de la tecnología más sofisticada y solu... uciones para sus pacientes, y se compromete a ofrecer todas las opciones e información médica disponible.   

My experience at IMPILO Plastic Surgery and Spa (in Panama City, Panama) far exceed my expectations.... . I first met Dr Luis A. Picard Ami in 2009 when he did a superb job on my breast reduction. Dr Picard-Ami is licensed to practice in USA and Panama, is fluent in English and Spanish, very accessible, down-to-earth, patient and so easy to communicate with. He promptly answered all my questions by e-mail and I mean ALL of my questions, including medical, logistical, covid and general. I was so impressed with his hospitality, professionalism, as well as my new beautiful breasts, I decided to return again in 2022 for a couple more procedures. I decided not to fear international travel as Covid is becoming more endemic and I am fully vaccinated. Another incentive was that the total cost of surgery, airfare and hotel, combined, was far less than I would have spent in the USA plus I was getting primo customer service. Additionally you can pay for everything in US dollars or with credit card. IMPILO Plastic surgery took care of coordinating all of my logistics from answering my pre-departure questions, meeting me upon arrival in Panama to checking into the hotel, getting my lab tests, to surgery and back again to my hotel room. I was traveling alone and was so happy when Dr Picard-Ami sent a nurse to see me in my hotel room to help with showering and dressing changes. I also had constant communications with everyone in IMPILO clinic, including the doctor, via WhatsApp, email and on my phone via Wi-Fi calling. The doctors, clinic, hospital and spa staff were all very approachable, kind, courteous, competent and professional while also very personable and welcoming. Most of the staff, I encountered, were bilingual too. The view from the doctor’s office was incredible as was the panorama from the hotel pool area. The whole complex was pretty chilly so don’t forget your cozy sweat suit and fuzzy socks! Fortunately, the hotel can reset your room temperature controls as you need. The free breakfasts were awesome with enough variety to tide you over for the entire day if you don’t feel like going out. The rooms were well equipped for cooking and comfort. The hotel, clinic, hospital and doctors’ office were very modern, clean and connected with the shopping mall, grocery store, pharmacy and everything you could need without even stepping outside. I had several different procedures during a 3 week period of time and am very pleased with Dr. L. Picard-Ami’s surgical skill, felt well cared for, safe comfortable and secure. I almost hated to return home! Mary, Florida USA  
January 2022
My breast implantation surgery was performed by Dr. Luis Picard-Ami Jr at the Panama Clinic. Process... s was fully explained in pre- surgery telephone consultations and in face to face consultation at the clinic. Dr. Luis Picard-Ami's expertise and experience as well as his approachable interpersonal skills, not only assisted me in choosing best option for me but also made me at ease throughout the whole process. His clinic is staffed with friendly and helpful personnel always ready to assist with anything you may need starting from beverage to booking hotel room and getting post op bra. Truly VIP experienc  
December 2020
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Clínica Sterman Verificado

Adquiera una impresionante imagen tras las puertas de la Clínica de Cirugía Plástica y Estética Silv... vio Sterman, famosa a nivel mundial por su cirugía plástica y reconstructiva, corrección de defectos congénitos y otros procedimientos incluidos  

Olá doctor Sterman: Gratamente sorprendido de ter noticias suyas....pode acreditar que nunca esqueço... o das experiencias passadas em Sao Paulo e do excelente trato y atençao recebedos por vc tanto professoalmente como pessoalmente. Eu estou bem..sem problemas de saude ou outros..felizmente; mas os anos vao pasando y ficamos cada vez um pouco mas velhos .mas nao posso me queixar Não sei o que precisa exactamente em quanto a meu testimonio das cirurgias que tive das suas maos...mas so posso confirmar que sempre fiquei muito satisfeito dos diferentes procedures que realizei com vc e seu equipo. Espero que vc seja tambem bem e gozando de tao bom sentido do humor como sempre . Acredito que sim. Sim gostaría de voltar a Sao Paulo; nao tenha duvidas que se volto..iré a fazer uma visita a vc. Se precissa de alguma referencia mais ou outra questao so te que dizer me ilho. Cumprimentos e abraços desde Espanha . José Juan Cervantes Alcobas  
May 2018
I have had several surgeries with Dr Silvio Sterman and I consider him a brilliant surgeon. It has ...  been 3 years since my facelift when I tell people I have had a face lift I get compliments on how natural looking it is. Both trips to São Paulo went smoothly without any complications . On my first trip Dr Silvio did a repair tummy tuck for me which I am delighted with . I had previously had an unsatisfactory result with my first surgeon in England . What can I say the trip to São Paulo was worth every mile travelled . I was met with warmth , efficient service and great surgical skill in the hands of Dr Silvio Sterman . Without any hesitation I would return to him for any future surgery I might want.  
May 2018
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37 más tratamientos

¿Qué es el aumento de pantorrillas?

Los implantes de pantorrillas, también conocida como aumento de pantorrillas, ayuda a mejorar el contorno de la pierna mediante la creación de un adecuado equilibrio entre la pierna superior e inferior, y un aspecto firme y bien formado para las personas que carecen de músculos de la pantorrillas o quiere mejorar el contorno bajo de las piernas.

Los implantes de pantorrilla son también una gran solución para las personas que son de piernas arqueadas. En este caso, los implantes se colocan en la parte interna de la pierna inferior.

Un buen candidato para el aumento de pantorrillas.

La edad mínima requerida para este procedimiento es de 18 años. Es importante que los músculos están completamente desarrollados antes de decidir someterse a la operación de aumento de pantorrillas.

El procedimiento del aumento de pantorrillas.

El primer paso es una consulta detallada con su cirujano, quien determinará el mejor método que les permita lograr los resultados deseados. Su médico determinará si el procedimiento debe ser ambulatorio u hospitalario. La cirugía del implante de pantorrillas es un procedimiento de aumento muscular. Las incisiones se realizan detrás de las rodillas para una visibilidad menor.

Los bolsillos se forman donde se colocan los implantes de silicona. Dependiendo de los resultados deseados y la forma actual de la pierna, el implante se coloca ya sea en el interior, el exterior, en ambos lados de cada pierna o por encima de su músculo de pantorrilla pre-existente.

Las incisiones se suturan con puntadas que se disuelven o removibles, en cuyo caso puede o no tener que regresar al hospital o clínica para que le retiren los puntos en su visita de seguimiento.

La duuración promedio de la cirugía del implante de pantorrilas: 1-2 horas.

Cirugía Plástica Noticias